



ブラジル・ペルナンブコ連邦大学のマルクス・アンドレ・メロ(Marcus André Melo)先生が科研費プロジェクト「ポスト新自由主義期中南米における民主主義的価値観に関する実証的比較研究」(課題番号:16H02731)で来日される機会をとらえまして、アジア経済研究所でも以下の講演会が開催されます。


日時: 2017年1月12日(木)13時~14時半

場所: アジア経済研究所 会議棟C23


講演者:Marcus André Melo(ペルナンブコ連邦大学)

タイトル: Federalism and institutional change in Brazil, 1891-2016

The lecture will explore the changes in Brazil's federalism since the constitution of 1891. In particular, it will consider how federalism has affected the party system over time and executive-legislative relations in particular.
Emphasis will be given to the dramatic changes in fiscal federalism and in social policy in the post 1990 period. Specifically to the developments leading to the introduction of the fiscal responsibility law in 2000 and the centralization in social policy making arena.
Parallels will be drawn from a comparison of fiscal crisis of the states in the 1990s and the current crisis affecting the Temer government.
Improvements in the overall quality of institutions at the subnational level will also be addressed.